Saturday 17 December 2011

the wild sea storm

Happily, we took the train (that is, one that WASN'T on strike) on Friday afternoon, to arrive in Follonica (on the Tuscan coast)and although the wind pounded and howled and beat upon our windows -- on floor 20 -- all through the night, at least the bed was firm...
The wind seems to be dying down now. Sometimes, I have my sneaking doubts about living all the time on our dear boat...
I picked up a nasty infection (most likely on the plane coming back from Dubai...) resulting in a chesty cough and cold in the head, so spent all day in bed.
All this travelling by train is excellent for my Italian -- we had a fascinating talk yesterday with the six people in our compartment. Of course, the merits of the late ex-prime minister Mr B came up for discussion, and charming young lady in our carriage (aged 16) assured us that there were many good things about him, also about Mussolini.
Viva Italia, is what I say...

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