Wednesday 1 April 2015

April the first ... and no fools round ...

It has become very pleasant here, sunny mornings, breakfast in the back cockpit watching the light dancing on the water and the sides of nearby yachts. David continues re-wiring the boat but has now completed (he tells me) nine-tenths...
I have my excellent Italian lessons and notice how I am now dreaming in this language... in fact, losing (temporarily, I hope) my Dutch: a yacht with large and splendidly bright Dutch flag arrived on our pontoon a couple of days ago, so of course I chatted to the crew (four stalwart men who had brought the boat across from Croatia ((or maybe Slovenia)) for the owner who is planning to sail across to Greece). I found it difficult to pull out the Dutch words when talking with them (Italian, French and English came up first, from the miraculous dark well inside!).

We have booked to go to the citta of Trani, just up the coast, for Easter. It boasts a magnificent cathedral, so everyone says. And apparently, a synagogue where now part of the castle stands (I am not quite clear about this!... will research it). Easter and Pesach virtually coincide this year.  
And still so many chains to be broken, and so many rivers/oceans to cross...

Am now investigating how to cook our baccala, a fish eaten here typically on Good Friday. We're having ours early.  Think I need to go buy a red bell pepper, otherwise known as paprika (in Dutch, ha ha).

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