Saturday 21 March 2015

First Day of Spring, 2015

The black-hooded hordes swarm around the world, spreading terror, murder and destruction.
The Light shines in the darkness; and the darkness can never put it out...

There are all kinds of reasons to hope; spring of course is one of them.
Still cold here in Bari (down to 2 degrees C last night) but during the day now brilliant blue skies and many a sheltered corner where the locals of Puglia (and visitors like us) can sit in the sun.

We make short-term plans for the next few months. The torn tendon in my shoulder puts a damper on some activities but it is surprising how much I can still do.
Cooking here is great fun, many a new as yet untasted food... Not to mention the wines. Superb choice. We are moored close to one of the Italian slow-food shops rejoicing in the name of Eataly. It is both a wondrous emporium (truly!) and a very fine and not too expensive restaurant. The seating is simple, no linen cloths and serviettes. The food is excellent. Very fresh, you can taste the air of the green hillsides... (well, something like that!). We usually cook and eat on the boat, but sometimes after a long day, eat a pizza at one of the nearby restaurants.

David is re-wiring the boat and discovering many tiny details that he wishes to improve. I read Italian (have now advanced to Manzoni's I Promesi Sposi, acknowledged first great novel in Italian, compulsory reading for all high-school students!). Not being a high-school student, I am enjoying it. What a lot I have learned since first arriving in Torino in April 2006.

The evenings lengthen and in a couple of weeks we'll get our extra hour of light. More reasons for hope. The Light, I am sure, can never be extinguished. Yell this loud from the tops of high hills!
Pray in the quiet of our inner stillness (whatever ... it has no name...). A few rambling thoughts from the bouncing waves...

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