Monday, 16 April 2018

Yes, finally Primavera...

Off the boat we climbed, adieu to the bouncing and rolling, and in the chug-chug train along the banks of the winding river Douro, up to the joys of the craggy vertical rocksides and the flooded
grassy banks where last September we swam in the warm waters...
Our most northerly point was Foz do Sabor, the mouth of the river Sabor where ti joins the Douro.
David had already stayed in a b+b and enthusiastically recommended it to us ... and with good reason. It was little short of idyllic. Overlooking a bend in the Douro, set on a hilly slope where vines and orange trees flourish, and the most perfectly appointed house providing a breakfast unsurpassed by any I have ever been offered (oh, with the exception of a thee-star hotel in Jerusalem...).
We could have stayed there a long time...
In the morning we all went for a fresh and hilly walk. David and I wandered down to the banks of the river and later visited the ancient restaurant where last September we enjoyed an unforgettable fish lunch with Ati and Harry. This time we drank Sagres beer and talked to a delightful family fro Lisboa (partly in Portuguese...)
Here some pix.

Aspects of the floods, making the passage up the Douro by boat a tricky matter...
I also wrote a poem, will post tomorrow.
Now it's shopping time, for our final Vegan feast before the family departs (tomorrow afternoon).

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