Yes, it's worked! David and I observed this scene from the window of the restaurant where we were enjoying a most excellent Sunday lunch. See previous Blog.
The Gull’s Meal
A shadow moves across the sand,
shadow of seagull.
He has a broken wing, lands wearily.
Hops slowly along the beach
jagged, off-balance, a live fish squirming in his beak.
And the five cats creep out, on low, well-filled bellies
silently stalking
leaving their shelter.
The gull looks round and sees them
unperturbed: his beak sharper than their claws.
But: five against one?
The bird thought better of it
relinquished his prey
flapped to a nearby rock which rose
jutting out of the sea, wave-battered.
The gull, a juvenile, mottled feathers,
kept watch, aloof on his outpost
waited, bided his time, spray-spattered.
Cats slide towards the fish, lying still flapping
inspect, decide: too slippery, perhaps too bony
not worth the effort.
Five depart.
Gulls swings back to the sand
chuckling to himself
hails the despairing fish:
“You and I were meant for one another, dear”
he screams affectionately.
Fish lies still.
The seagull looks about, gazes towards the horizon
where huge swirling clouds echo
the hugely curling waves
pounding crashing crumbling into foam:
More majestic and magnificent
than a mere meal.
Here in Leca da Palmeira it continues to rain and the sea continues to bubble (for want of a better word). Happily we have visitors, my niece and nephew and friend, who arrive bearing gifts of Belgian chocolate and good humour. The first night the creaking ropes are not too intrusive; we all sleep well.
Today the three have set off to downtown Porto to visit the port cellars.
Here I sit in the Club House gazing out at the impenetrable grey of sea and sky, hoping ever hoping for a lightening on the horizon...
My niece Tilla bought some special waterproof Crocs at the plane stop-over in Brussels; essential gear ! Here she tries on the comforting boots:
And today is my granddaughter Rachel's fourth birthday: I skyped her in Stavanger and retract all my moans about the internet! Wonderful to see the children and chat with them about birthday cakes...
Specially-ordered chocolate cupcakes made by Mummy... oh so yummy...
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