We went into the Se, with its unadorned Norman arches, and subdued statues, and stood for a few minutes, gazing upwards to where the pillars high above rounded beneath the roof.
then lots of walking down the hilly streets to where the river Douro glistened in the sunlight.
Found a wonderful Portuguese restaurant. Heard some beautiful fado from Coimbra (three black-robed students, one singer, two guitarists), o vento qui passa...
crossed the large square in front of the former Stock Market building (now a museum) where children were turning cartwheels...
And back on a double-decker bus, along the sea road (to the delight of Helene, aged six, who confided to me that she had never before been on a double-decker).
Below: view from the bus
Here we are enjoying our excellent Portuguese lunch (spot the sardines!)
And then home to another glorious sunset across the sea.

And above you see Helene's brilliant depiction of David on the boat!
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