Thursday, 25 October 2012

Exploring Kusadasi

Today is the start of the festival known as Eid, or sometimes Ede. All was silent this morning, shops shut, no one about. And the sky was overcast. But half way through the morning the sun reappeared in all its joyful warmth, so we lunched seated in the back cockpit of the boat, on the gently lapping waters. Small fish nibble at the sides of the boats, making a soft whispering sound.

Later we set off to explore parts of our new temporary location...
Much more interesting place than it looks from the seafront. And wonderfully un-geometric!!
Here a pic seen from our boat.
Tomorrow I'll take some more pix. There are some wonderful views out across the sea towards the distant mountains. Lots of people here still, though apparently at the end of October many shops and restaurants will close down for the winter.
We do much of our cooking on board -- still rejoicing in the wonderful fresh fruit and veggetables. Don't mind being vegetarian...

One day I will write about the cats in Turkey -- ubiquitous. One came aboard last night but I firmly told him/her it could not be!
My Turkish is progressing. I correctly read a roadsign saying: Attention, children crossing... applauded by a young Turkish lady who assured me my translation was correct. Not bad for so short a time, and my head always buzzing with about five other languages...

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