Friday, 7 March 2014

Another European page

Writing from Torino (Turin to some) where spring has just arrived. Buds swelling at the tips of twigs, birds singing at sundown, people sitting at the pavement-cafes during lunchtime, enjoying the warmth.
Domweg gelukkig, just simply happy to be here in Italy, visiting friends, walking the ancient streets, speaking Italian.
Seem to have been rushing round since the year began (will this ever stop?!) but having a wonderful time, travelling in Turkey to new places (like Termessos) and also spending some time with family back home in Amsterdam.
Enjoying new foods (David and I are growing accustomed to the use of tiny pieces of spicy red chili pepper in the Turkish soups and other dishes) and always searching for high-percentage-cocoa chocolate! We have now found it in Turkey, as well (of course) as Italy and Switzerland.
Am beginning to accept some of the restrictions of growing older; am a little more cautious when descending multiple stairs into a metro station (!) and know now that without at least eight hours' sleep I will not manage the following day.

Now off to the city centre here in Turin, to visit my sarta, who is making me a dress to wear at friend Lynn's 70th birthday dinner in London at the end of the month ... yes, we are all attaining the Golden Age, ha ha...
A dopo.